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Iranian Persian

Considered the finest and most expensive saffron in the world, Iranian saffron has long threads with a deep red color and a strong aroma.


According to the ranking of (EUITIB) “European Union International Taste Institute Belgium” for the taste qualification and production amount in Saffron throughout the world, Afghanistan saffron has won first class quality and second in production amount three years 2019-2021 seriously.


Spanish saffron is known for its bright red threads with a slightly milder flavor than Iranian saffron.

Saffron Gift

Do you want to make your friend or family surprise with a healthy gift?! Afghanistan saffron with “ALIS” brand package is the best option for your aim. Although, there was passed a short time less than three decades of saffron (Rebirth), in Afghanistan, but could upgraded and achieved the first level on quality in three years seriously from 2019-2021 by EUITI “European Union International Taste Institute” in Belgium and second on amount in world saffron ranking qualification that is not comparable with others competitors that each one of them has thousands and hundreds years of experience in the field.

Green Grape Appetizer

Do you have a ceremony in the house or in the office something like this?! Afghanistan green grape is the best choice as an appetizer for your table that is also known for its green grapes, which are grown in various regions of the country, particularly in the northern and western provinces. These grapes are much bigger and brainy than other this kind of products throughout the world and known for their sweet and juicy flavor, and they are a popular fruit both domestically and for export especially in China, Europe and USA.

Pine Nuts Gift

Make happy your friends with a gift that would be healthy too, with Afghanistan “PINE NUTS” that is known for producing high-quality pine nuts, which are also called “Chilghoza” in the local language. The pine nuts are harvested from pine trees that grow in the mountainous regions of the country.

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